Tuesday, April 16, 2013

All Because They Are Different From Us ...

There is a great difference between comedy and stupidity! Comedy is funny while stupidity isn’t. Do you laugh at stupidity as you do with comedy?
Many producers of shows seemed to have overlooked this fundament. Probably, they lack ideas and have little inspiration after a couple of rounds. Do you laugh just because everybody else is laughing? I know laughter like yawning can be contagious but do you? Even dubbed prerecorded laughter as well?
In certain countries too, there is a gross lack of creativity and producers often induce “transvestites” characters to make its audience laugh. Adorning feminine attire and acting “sissy” is altogether mocking and belittling them. Strangely, this often works in certain countries – so that gives us a glimpse of people’s minds.
Therefore, should we laugh at transvestites or should we sympathize with them? I for that matter, don’t laugh at them but in fact sympathize with them.
There is nothing wrong with them in my opinion as they are created that way. Do remember that there are exceptions to rules and even gravity has been defied. Humanity do nott consist of only men and women. God does manifest it creations imperfectly as if to remind us that we exist in an imperfect world. 
At least most of us are confident with our sexuality. They mostly find difficulty in being accepted except in “exceptional” circumstances.
Gays make their own sexual choices and often it takes a lot of guts doing so. That’s their business! For that they should not be discriminated. This world is full of “exceptions” and also other forms of imperfections. Do you make fun of those who are born handicap – as perhaps blind – all because they are different from you? Or laugh at a fat man just because he is obese? After all you aren’t! Then again, do you laugh at a “black” man just because he is darker than you? And do you laugh at midgets and dwarfs? The squint-eyed? Buck-tooth? 
We ought to accept people as they are, understand their weaknesses and personal setbacks and not laugh at others simply because we feel ourselves to be superior. How can you be superior if you can’t look beyond these things and other trivialities?
As a matter of fact, God seems to most of the time compensate gays and transvestites with immense talent and creativity. I guess I don’t have to name any as they are effortlessly identifiable.
Gays want to marry but society won’t let them. Politicians politicize on this issue. Why bother? My suggestion is that they could draw up special contracts to embody issues such as finances, property etc. Family (with kids) may be elusive though but again why bother? I am sure there are a lot of organizations involved with childcare that requires assistance from volunteers.
Will you be arrested if you hold a gay wedding ceremony? Well, maybe not – since it could be deemed or exhorted as a private “party”. It’s the legal issues that become contentious! Mind you we are living in 2005 where Armstrong walked on the moon some 35 years ago! But a broad spectrum of humanity is still downright rudimentary and immature!
But it’s OK to have a purple hairdo and adorn ludicrous clothes rendering even circus clowns as underdressed! It’s OK to tattoo your entire face if you want to. You can even pierce your entire face and bodies – genitals included. It’s OK to get stone drunk on cheap alcohol but they would throw you in jail for “toking”. You may get jailed for 2 years for shoplifting 2 bars of chocolates but perhaps only 4 years for embezzling millions or even billions of dollars. So what does all these tell you? Well, if it’s ok for “them” then it’s ok!