Saturday, March 30, 2019

Brewed Season of Oceans Apart

I am really pleased when I am around you.
I adore you as a person of simplicity.
I am fascinated by your touches and kisses.
I enjoy every moment being with you.
I am grateful for knowing you.
I want you to feel the same too.

Warm feelings come to me whenever,
your air surrounds me with your bodily scent.
I feel joy when I am in your arms and warmth.
I intend to be with you for a long time.
You have shown me love none other has,
especially when I was about to give up forever.

My purpose is to complement and complete,
each other and look far ahead with a goal.
But now it all seems seven feet apart,
not knowing what lies ahead beyond our fate.

My life has been a trajectories of 
continuous roller-coaster episodes.
I am drawing nearer to the depths of the tunnel,
hoping for some light at the end of it.
There is still hope for miracles to happen,
accompanied by Allah's wishes and blessings.

By: KP Priya

Friday, March 29, 2019

Only You

You are mine and only,
My human diary and RAM, 
and my other half.
You mean the world to me.
And, when I say that 
I Love You, I am saying

"Thank You" for being
who you are for being 
part of my life, and 
touching my Heart.

By: KP Priya